Fanshawe Lake Evening Tourney Sign Up Open

Tournament Signup now open for Friday July 31 on Fanshawe Lake (electric and up to 9.9 kicker motors only) starting at 5:30 pm ending at 9 pm. Tournament signup for this will close midnight Monday July 27. Mark Biesinger (biesingr”at” will be acting as tournament director for this tournament.

From UTRCA Brochure

Fanshawe Lake Conservation Area

Upcoming Tournaments

windUnfortunately our opening tournament had to be cancelled due to high winds forecast at Rondeau Bay, but I think we can all agree – safety first. Lots of chances to fish coming up.

Tournament Signup now open for Sunday, July 19, 2015 (8 am to 4 pm) – Long Point out of Old Cut Marina, members tournament. Signup closes midnight Tuesday July 14. Jeff Beacham (jeff.beacham”at” will be acting as Tournament director for this tournament. Please direct all inquires for this tournament to him.

After this it will be an evening tournament on Friday July 31 on Fanshawe Lake (electric and up to 9.9 kicker motors only) starting at 5:30 pm ending at 9 pm. Tournament signup for this will open Thursday July 15th/close midnight Monday July 27. Mark Biesinger (biesingr”at” will be acting as tournament director for this tournament.

Following this it is Lake St. Clair out of Belle River Marina on Sunday, August 23, 2015 (8 am to 4 pm). We are looking for a volunteer for tournament director for this event. Please contact Mark if you can help out.

BBQ Meeting 6:30 Tuesday June 23rd.

angling sports 400 wideBBQ Meeting! Angling Sports will be hosting a BBQ for us at a special date and time – Tuesday, June 23 at 6:30pm. Bring your appetites and stock up for the tournament at the store beforehand – remember FCBM members get the tax in discount. The tournament draw will be made and we’ll discuss some of the tournament rules. If you plan on fishing tournaments with us this year please make sure we have your signed waivers. Boaters please email or bring a copy of proof of insurance.

Note that this will be our last meeting until September, no summer meetings – go fishing instead!

Reminder: Tournament Signup Now Online: If you wish to fish the first 2015 FCBM tournament at Rondeau Bay on Sunday June 28th sign up using the online form. Cut-off for sign-up is the meeting on Tuesday June 23. So far we’re short on boaters so if you plan on coming please let us know soon.

Thanks Jason / Meeting Update

Jason Barnucz

Jason Barnucz

A big thank you to our speaker May meeting speaker Jason Barnucz (follow him on Twitter @BassinBiologist). An excellent presentation on fisheries research involving tournament angling, info on the upcoming Hank Gibson qualifier and other topics including a short primer on “fizzing” barotraumatized fish (thanks also to Barry the singing Bass for his help during this).

Tournament Signup Now Online: If you wish to fish the first 2015 FCBM tournament at Rondeau Bay on Sunday June 28th sign up using the online form. Cut-off for sign-up is the meeting on Tuesday June 23 (note meeting is one week early due to multiple tournament around the bass opener). Boater/non-boater pairings will be made and juniors will be assigned their spots at this meeting.

angling sports 400 wideBBQ Meeting! For our next meeting Angling Sports will be hosting a BBQ for us at a special date and time – Tuesday, June 23 at 6:30pm. Bring your appetites and stock up for the tournament at the store beforehand – remember FCBM members get the tax in discount. The tournament draw will be made and we’ll discuss some of the tournament rules. If you plan on fishing tournaments with us this year please make sure we have your signed waivers. Boaters please email or bring a copy of proof of insurance.

Meeting May 26th at 7pm

Next meeting is Tuesday, May 26th at 7:00 pm and will be held at Angling Sports (681 Highbury Avenue North (at Dundas St.) London, Ontario, N5W 4L4).

Jason Barnucz

Jason Barnucz

Speaker: Jason Barnucz, fisheries biologist for Fisheries and Oceans Canada and all around angling fanatic. He will be speaking on the the science behind catch and release and its effects on bass. He will also talk about this years Hank Gibson Ontario Bassmasters Qualifier being held at Turkey Point. This is one meeting you don`t want to miss! Jason is also president of Hamilton Bassmasters and 1st VP and Conservation Director for Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation.

This is one meeting you don`t want to miss! New and perspective members welcome, come see what we’re about.

Membership Reminder: Please hand in your completed information/waiver form (download PDF here).

2nd Annual Pike Derby – Wildwood Lake

pike2nd Annual Angling Sports Pike Derby

Date: Monday, May 18th, 2015, 8:00 am blast off, 2:00 pm finish.
Location: Wildwood Conservation Area Boat Launch, Wildwood Lake, ON
Fees: $50.00 per two person team. 100% payout for top three teams determined by fish length. $100 Angling Sports gift Card for big fish.

This tournament is open to the public. If you are interested in participating please contact Angling Sports at 519-649-7429 (or email at [email protected] – or drop by the store) just so we have an idea on the numbers coming out and can provide enough measuring devices.

Thanks Cindy and Dean / Meeting Update

Cindy and Dean Franklin

Cindy and Dean Franklin

Thanks to Cindy and Dean Franklin for their informative session held at our previous meeting. Cindy and Dean gave us an in depth look at a range of new products including some Shimano rods and reels, Jackall Lures, and the new Humminbird Helix 5. Some great tips on using side imaging, HD Google Earth and a variety of baits were also presented.

Reminder: Please get you dues and BASS membership number in if you haven’t done so already. Liability waivers are available at and need to be handed in before tournament time. Boaters please also send proof of $1,000,000 liability insurance coverage for your boat (a photocopy or photo will suffice – email to biesingr”at”