Fishing Tackle Recycler
FCBM has partnered with some of the local conservation authorities to install the Fishing Tackle Recycler near boat launches or common fishing areas. See below for more info on this initiative and where to locate each one.
Fanshawe Conservation Area
Installed in Summer of 2019, the fishing tackle recycler at Fanshawe CA is attached to the reservoir sign next to the boat launch.
Wildwood Conservation Area
Installed in Summer of 2019, the fishing tackle recycler at Wildwood CA is with the garbage/recycle bins beside the boat launch.
Morrison Dam Conservation Area
Installed in Summer of 2021, the fishing tackle recycler at Morrison Dam CA is located beside the floating fishing dock.
Blue Fish Canada
Spring, 2019: Forest City Bassmasters (FCBM) has partnered with Blue Fish Canada (BFC) in an effort to further promote conservation in London and the surrounding area. Blue Fish Canada is a registered charity dedicated to protecting the health and future of Canada’s water and wild fish stocks. Donations can be made here.

Blue Fish Canada President, Lawrence Gunther (left) and FCBM Conservation Director, Matt Fryer (right)
2018 Used Plastics Recycling
We handed off our collection of used plastic baits to Brad Andrews from Erie Bassmasters who will recycle them into new baits. Forest City collected 19 lb of used plastics for 2018.

FCBM Conservation Director Matt Fryer (left) and Erie Bassmasters Brad Andrews (right).

Forest City collected 19 lbs of used plastic from its members in 2018.

Brad Andrews from Erie Bassmasters turns the used plastics into new baits!
Non-Piercing Conservation Culling Tags
Forest City Bassmasters has now moved to conservation non-piercing culling tags only for its tournaments (By-law enacted November 2018).
Forest City is participating in the “Pledge to Pitch It” program. Members pledge to collect their used plastic baits for proper disposal or recycling. Most collected baits will be re-melted and turned in to new baits.
Ontario Students Enjoying Elliott’s Hatchery Program
August, 2017: John Neporadny’s piece on highlighting FCBM member Richard Elliot’s work with Ontario students. Richard has been placing mini salmon egg hatcheries in elementary schools across the province. See:
Tournament Weights Submitted to Local Conservation Authorities
October, 2015: Tournament weights and creel surveys for 2015 have been submitted to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (URTCA) (for Fanshawe and Wildwood Tournaments) and to the Grand River Conservation Authority (for our Conestogo Tournament). These surveys help better their understanding of lake health and fish populations.
Springbank Dam Removal Petition
April, 2015: Forest City Bassmasters supports the Thames River Anglers Association petition to have Springbank Dam removed. We encourage all our members and others to read and sign the petition at:
The petition can also be signed in person at Angling Sports.