Thanks Dennis / 2017 AOY Hardware

A big thank you to our January meeting speaker, Dennis Shearme, Hully Gully Marine Specialist, Princecraft Pro Staff Fishing Team Member, and Shear-Kin Catch em’ drop shot weights and jig heads founder. Dennis gave us some excellent insights into keeping your boat running and looking great.

We also handed out our 2017 Angler of the Year awards. Congratulations again to Don Kraemer and Zach Beacham.

Dennis Shearme, Hully Gully Marine Specialist, Princecraft Pro Staff Fishing Team Member, and Shear-Kin Catch em’ founder.

2017 Forest City Bassmasters Angler of the Year Don Kraemer (left) and 2017 Forest City Bassmasters High School Angler of the Year Zach Beacham (right).

Meeting January 31st at 7 pm

​Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 31st at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.

Speaker: Dennis Shearme, Hully Gully Marine Specialist, Princecraft Pro Staff Fishing Team Member, and Shear-Kin Catch em’ drop shot weights and jig heads founder. Dennis will speak about boat maintenance tips.

Agenda Items:
Survey Results
2017 Tournament Dates and Places Discussions
Membership dues for 2017 are due!

2016 Angler of the Year Results

Congratulations to Don Kraemer, our 2016 Forest City Bassmasters Angler of the Year winner. Don had a solid and consistent year registering four 2nd place finishes for a total of 380 points and tied in points with Mark Biesinger who registered a win, two seconds and a third place fish. Don squeaked ahead in the tiebreaker by a tenth of a pound for title. Solid year Don!

A shout out to our fishing ironmen and ironwoman, Kevin, Alicia, T.J. and Nate who participated in all 8 bass tournaments we held. Scott, Ian, Rick and Don participated in 7 of them.

We had good sized tournament fields throughout the year and no cancellations due to weather or lack of signups. Our smallest tournament was Fanshawe Friday Evening held in midsummer at 5 boats, then Wildwood Wednesday Evening with 7 boats, Lake St. Clair and Conestoga at 8 and our Rondeau Bay Opener at 9. For our Open tournaments, on Thanksgiving Day at Wildwood we had 10 boats, Canada Day at Fanshawe had 14 boats, Labor Day at Wildwood with 19 boats, and the Pike tournament at Wildwood in May with an awesome 29 boat field!

Congratulations as well to our 2016 High School Angler of the Year – Zach Beacham. Well done Zach, looking forward to having you fish with the regular members next year!

2016 Angler of the Year Results
Best 4 of 8 tournaments, heaviest big fish as tiebreaker.
2016 High School Angler of the Year Results

Annual General Meeting – Tuesday, November 29th

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 29th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.

Agenda Items:
Executive and Committee Elections – if you would like to help out or put your name forward for any of the executive or committee positions please let us know. Clubs are always in need of good people willing to step up and help out.
Membership dues for 2017 are due!
AOY Award Winner announcement.
Rules and procedures change proposals for 2017 season.
2017 Hank Gibson Announcement.

Reminder: No Meeting in December, Next meeting Tuesday, January 31st.

2016 Lake St. Clair Results

We couldn’t have asked for a nicer early November day for our year end tournament on the big waters of Lake St. Clair. Congratulations to Cole Bailey who brought in a huge 5 fish bag of smallmouth weighing 19.14 lbs and tied for big fish at 5.36 lbs with Alicia Raytrowsky and Kevin Billingsley. Kevin and Alicia finished second with a 4 fish bag of 15.51 lbs closely followed by Jeff Walsh and Scott Howe with 5 fish at 15.26 lbs.

Meeting Tuesday October 25th at 7 pm

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 25th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.

Tri-Bay Bass Association (T.B.B.A) 2016 Champions Cole Bailey (confirmed) and Sam Rankin (pending) will be speaking!

Other Agenda Items:
Membership dues for 2017 are due!!
Elections will be held at November meeting.
Reminder: No Meeting in December

2016 Thanksgiving Day Wildwood Results

2016 Thanksgiving Day Wildwood Results below:
The AOY race is tied at 380 for Don Kraemer and Mark Biesinger. Mathematically still in the race is Nate Talaskavich at 370, Scott Howe and Kevin Billingsley at 365, and Rick Hendriks at 360. Email Mark if you want to know the math for yourself.

2016 Conestogo Lake Results

Mark Biesinger and Owen Mueller took first place at Conestogo Lake with a full limit of smallmouth weighing 11.36 lbs. Rick Hendriks and Don Kraemer took 2nd place and Rick Morrison and Jeff Collett finished up 3rd place out of the eight boat field. Rick and Jeff also grabbed big fish honors with a nice 3.35 lbs. smallmouth.

With six tournaments now in Mark Biesinger takes the Anger of the Year lead with 380 points followed by Don Kraemer at 365, Nate Talaskavich at 360, and Alicia Raytrowsky, Rick Hendriks, and Kevin Billingsley at 355. A win by any of these anglers would move them up to or near the lead.

Next up is the Angling Sports / Forest City tournament on Thanksgiving Day (Wildwood or Fanshawe depending on water levels, see Angling Sports for details) followed by our final event out of Mitchell’s Bay on Lake St. Clair on November 6th.

2016 Conestogo Lake winners Owen Mueller (left) and Mark Biesinger (right).

2016 Conestogo Lake winners Owen Mueller (left) and Mark Biesinger (right).

2016 Conestogo Lake Big Fish winners (and 3rd place finishers) Rick Morrison (left) and Jeff Collett (right).

2016 Conestogo Lake Big Fish winners (and 3rd place finishers) Rick Morrison (left) and Jeff Collett (right).