Meeting April 25th at 7pm

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 25th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.

Speaker: Tonk King, Member of Team Ontario, Non-boater Champ at 2016 Hank Gibson Qualifier.

Agenda Items:
Finalizing of Jersey orders.
Tournament Rules and “How it works!”
Membership dues for 2017 are due now, don’t miss out on your chance to fish in the 2017 season.

Member Discounts – Shear-Kin Catch Em Jigs

Just an update/reminder of some of the deals that membership in the club entails:

Shear-Kin Catch ‘Em jigs now offers wholesale prices to Forest City members. Place your orders with Forest City member Dennis Shearme. Great hand poured jigs with high quality hooks.

Other deals include tax in discounts at Angling Sports and Xtreme Marine (selected products). Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation also has a list of benefits available to Forest City members.

Thank You Reno and Mike

A big thank you to Canadian Fishing Hall of Fame inductee Reno Viola from Reno Viola Outdoor Web Radio Network and Mike Dingman from Smartbaits for speaking at our meeting last night. Check out Reno’s radio network at or listen in on the app (WRVO Radio Network 1) on you smartphone. Check out the colour changing and glow in the dark lure tech from Smartbaits at Thanks to Mike for all the free samples for the members and donations for tournament prizes. Club members get 20% off orders on the site (ask club president for code).

Member Deals from Xtreme Marine London

Xtreme Marine London

Forest City Bassmasters welcome aboard Xtreme Marine who will be providing some great member benefits for us. London. Xtreme Marine, located at 1978 Westchester Bourne, will be giving a save the tax promotion for FCBM members on all rods, reels, tackle and fishing related products at Xtreme Marine. Cards are given to club members for use with this promotion.

Xtreme Marine also hosts an number of fishing and boating related presentations throughout the year. See their facebook page for details.

Meeting Tuesday March 28th

​Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 28th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.

Speakers: Reno Viola (Reno Viola Radio Show, Marketing to Millennials) and Mike Dingman (Smartbaits)
Reno and Mike will talk about Reno’s all outdoors radio station WRVO Radio Network 1 (and provide a free download for the application). They’ll also be introducing and providing info on the newest Canadian super bait available called Smartbaits, and detail how this color changing technology in baits will help anglers catch more fish. Mike has been using Smartbaits for the last 3 years and says “I can tell you without reservation that the product works day in and day out with a very high success rate”. Some free samples will be available to the people at the meeting, plus discussions on possible pro staff positions and tournament support.

Agenda Items:
Jersey ordering

Thanks Derek Strub!

Forest City would like to thank Derek Strub, Superintendent for the G.R.C.A. at the Belwood Lake Conservation Area and Humminbird, Minn Kota, Shimano and G. Loomis Pro-staffer for his great talk at our February meeting. Derek had tons of insights and tips on new Humminbird and Minn Kota units and how to use electronics and trolling motors to your advantage. He also went through some great new products from Shimano and G. Loomis. The members were also treated to a variety of Shimano, G. Loomis and Jackall swag!! Thanks Derek!!

Meeting Tuesday February 28th

​Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 28th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.

Speaker: Derek Strub, Superintendent for the G.R.C.A. at the Belwood Lake Conservation Area. Derek has been tournament fishing at top Canadian events for many years and will be speaking about “All things new with Humminbird, Shimano and GLoomis”. This is one speaker you don’t want to miss! Check out this great article on him that highlights some of his fishing career!

Agenda Items:
Jersey ordering.
Membership dues for 2017 are due!

2017 Forest City Bassmasters Tournament Schedule

Our 2017 Tournament Schedule
Note: All dates/venues may be subject to change as needed.

Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Open Pike Tournament
Victoria Day, Monday, May 22, 2017 (8 am start) – Wildwood Lake (Open to Public)

Forest City Bassmasters Opening Tournament (Regular Members Only)
Sunday, June 25, 2017(8 am to 4 pm) – Rondeau Bay out of Erieau Marina

Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Canada Day Open Tournament (Open to Public)
Canada Day, Saturday, July 1st, 2017 (8 am start) – Fanshawe Lake, electric motor and up to 9.9 hp kicker motors only.

Forest City Bassmasters Fanshawe Friday Evening Tournament (Regular Club Members)
Friday, July 7, 2017 (5:30 to 9:15 pm), Fanshawe Lake, electric motors and up to 9.9 hp kickers only

Forest City Bassmasters Wildwood Wednesday Evening Tournament (Regular Club Members)
Wednesday, July 19, 2017 (5:45 pm to 9:15 pm) – Wildwood Lake

Forest City Bassmasters Lakeside Largemouth Evening Tournament (Regular Club Members)
Thursday, August 3, 2017 (5:45 pm to 9:00 pm) – Lakeside (Sunova Lake)

Forest City Bassmasters Sarnia River Tournament (Regular Club Members)
Sunday, August 13, 2017 (8:00 and 4:00 pm) – Sarnia River out of Sarnia Bay Launch

Hank Gibson Qualifier (Regular Club Members Only)
August 26-27, 2017 – Ottawa River, Petawawa. Note: Entry fees are $275 Boater, $250 Non-Boater. See Ontario BASS Nation Website for full details.

Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Labour Day Open Tournament (Open to Public)
Labour Day, Monday, September 4, 2017 (8 am start) – Wildwood Lake

Forest City and Hamilton Bassmasters Inter-Club Tournament (Regular Members Only)
Saturday, September 16, 2017 (8 am to 4 pm) – Long Point, Lake Erie (out of Turkey Point Marina)

Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Thanksgiving Day Open Tournament (Open to Public)
Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 9, 2017 (8 am start) – Wildwood Lake

Forest City Bassmasters Chilly St. Clair Tournament (Regular Members Only)
Sunday, October 29, 2017 – (8 am to 3:30 pm) – Lake St. Clair (Mitchell’s Bay Area Only) out of Mitchell’s Bay

Open tournaments are $50 per 2 person team (includes big fish prize), 100% payout.
Forest City Club tournaments are $50 per person (includes $5 to big fish pool), 100% payout (50% – 1st, 30% – 2nd, 20 % 3rd).