Meeting Tuesday January 30th at 7pm

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 30th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.

Agenda Items:
Tournament Date Finalization
AOY Hardware
Membership dues for 2018 are (over)due!!

Speakers: Winning Ways: Insights from our 2017 Tournament Season Winners

Annual General Meeting November 28th at 7 pm

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 28th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.

Agenda Items:
Elections will be held at November Annual General Meeting. If you are interested in a post or in helping make our club even better in any capacity please contact the club president or vice president. A good club runs on good volunteers!

Initial discussions for the 2018 tournament season – bring your ideas, likes, dislikes and constructive input.

Membership dues for 2018 are due!!

Reminder: No Meeting in December

2017 Chilly Lake St. Clair Results / 2017 AOY Results

With the lake churned up from a week of wind, largemouth fishing got the job done for Kevin Billingsley and Hudson Schmidt with a 14.92 lb five fish bag. Second went to Dan Trickett and Jeff Beacham and third to Jeff Collett and Sam Haynes. Big fish came in the form of a 5.05 lb smallmouth from Pat Devincenzo and Alicia Raytrowsky.

With the win on St. Clair, Kevin Billingsley moved up to win our 2017 Angler of the Year race with 479 points. Congratulations Kevin and to everyone who participated in our tournaments this year. From all perspectives it was a very successful season for our club.

2017 Forest City Bassmasters Angler of the Year Results

Meeting Tuesday Oct 24th at 7PM

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 24th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. NOTE that this is one week earlier than normal as the last Tuesday falls on Halloween this year. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.

Jason Barnucz

Speaker: Jason Barnucz, Aquatic Science Biologist for Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pure Fishing Ambassador, Fishbum Outfitters Field Staff Member, Fishing Guide, Conservation Director for Ontario Bass Nation, and all around angling fanatic will speak at our upcoming Forest City Bassmasters meeting.

Other Agenda Items:
Draw for Chilly Lake St. Clair Tournament
AOY Mathematics…it’s a close one!
Membership dues for 2018 are due!!
Elections will be held at November Annual General Meeting.
Reminder: No Meeting in December

2017 Angling Sports Thanksgiving Day Lake St. Clair Results

A spectacular day on Lake St. Clair topped off with a giant bag of smallmouth from our winners John and Dave Shields – 25.10 lbs with a 5.68 lbs big fish! Big bags from our 2nd place finishers Natalie and Aaron Hathaway (22.62 lbs) and 3rd place finishers Aiden and Andrew Lirette (21.74 lbs). What an awesome fishery we have in our backyard!

Congratulations as well to Forest City member Rick Hendriks who won the Angling Sports Angler of the Year Award with 172 points from the four Angling Sports/FCBM Open tournaments. Forest City members Scott Howe (171 points) and Dave Harris (168 points) rounded out the top three. Great showing from our club in these events!

Chilly Lake St. Clair Tournament Signup Open

Signup now open for our Forest City Bassmasters Chilly Lake St. Clair Tournament (Regular Members Only, Also Open to other OBN Club members in good standing). Signup info at
Date: Sunday, October 29, 2017 – (8 am to 3:30 pm)
Venue: Lake St. Clair (Canadian Waters Only) out of Mitchell’s Bay Marina – 3 Allen Road, Dover Centre, ON N0P 1L0.
Tournament Directors: Dave Harris (davegharris”at” and Jeff Beacham (jeff.beacham”at”

Note: Regular signup for Forest City members. For all other OBN member signups also email tournament directors for registration (give names, club affiliation and BASS Numbers in email). $50 per person ($100 per two person team), payment due morning before tournament start.

Thanks Blake / Upcoming Tournaments

Big thanks to Blake Rankie from VRX Fishing Products for speaking at our September meeting. Blake reps a number of companies including Lew’s reels, Angler’s Choice, Rod Glove and X Zone just to name a few. Thanks for all the bait packs, drop shot weights and rod socks that everyone at the meeting got!! Great set of products, lots of members waiting to get their hands on some of those X Zone worms, craws and soft jerk baits (the WHIPLASH SHAD looks awesome)!

UPDATE: The Monday October 9th Thanksgiving Day Open Tournament is being moved to Mitchell’s Bay Marine Park – 3 Allen Road, Dover Centre, ON N0P 1L0. 8:00 am Start.

We’re monitoring conditions at Wildwood and will update everyone here and on our Facebook page if the Thanksgiving Day Open tournament is a go or if it will be moved or cancelled (update coming hopefully Oct 3).

Next meeting will be Tuesday October 24 (moved early as the last Tuesday falls on Halloween – happy trick or treating). Our draw for the Lake St. Clair tournament will happen at the meeting. Tournament Signup for St. Clair is now open.