Meeting Tuesday April 28, 7 pm

Next meeting is Tuesday, April 28th at 7:00 pm and will be held at Angling Sports (681 Highbury Avenue North (at Dundas St.) London, Ontario, N5W 4L4).

Speakers: Cindy and Dean Franklin run the TBBA (Tri Bay Bass Association) series of tournaments out of Long Point, Mitchell’s Bay, Sarnia River and Niagara River. Come hear what the TBBA is all about.

Reminder: If you haven’t already, please pay you membership dues and get us your B.A.S.S. membership number.

Meeting Tuesday March 31th at 7 pm

Forest City Bassmasters London OntarioNext meeting is Tuesday, March 31th at 7:00 pm and will be held at Angling Sports – 681 Highbury Avenue North (at Dundas St.) London, Ontario, N5W 4L4.

Agenda items:

  • FCBM membership dues are due
  • Financial reports for both FCBM and Ontario Bass Nation
  • Hank Gibson Qualifier update – if you are looking to fish the qualifier/make Team Ontario/work your way to the Bassmaster Classic, this info is for you! FCBM is eligible to send at least two (and possibly more) members to the qualifier this year
  • Setting/voting on tournament start/end times
  • Junior membership updates and discussions
  • A discussion of possible conservation activities for the club
  • New members are always welcome, come and see what we’re about.

    Reminder to Renew Your B.A.S.S. Membership

    signup nowJust a reminder (if you haven’t already) to renew (for existing members) or get (new members) your B.A.S.S. membership prior to our next meeting on Tuesday, March 31st. Go to and click on Join B.A.S.S. to purchase your B.A.S.S. membership. You will receive a member number – please bring this with you to our next meeting. Forest City Bassmaster dues will also be due at next meeting – $75.00 for regular members, $30 (tentative) for junior members.

    As mentioned in our last meeting, our club constitution is now available online at

    Meeting Tuesday February 24th at 7pm

    Next meeting is Tuesday, February 24th at 7:00 pm and will be held at Angling Sports (681 Highbury Avenue North (at Dundas St.) London, Ontario, N5W 4L4).

    Jason Barnucz

    Jason Barnucz

    Speaker — Postponed due to inclement weather rescheduled for Tues. May 26 meeting–: Jason Barnucz, fisheries biologist for Fisheries and Oceans Canada and all around angling fanatic. He will be speaking on the the science behind catch and release and its effects on bass. He will also talk about this years Hank Gibson Ontario Bassmasters Qualifier being held at Turkey Point. This is one meeting you don`t want to miss! Jason is also president of Hamilton Bassmasters and 1st VP and Conservation Director for Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation.

    This is one meeting you don`t want to miss! New and perspective members welcome, come see what we’re about.

    Upcoming Speaker Announcement: Jason Barnucz

    Jason Barnucz

    Jason Barnucz

    Jason Barnucz, fisheries biologist for Fisheries and Oceans Canada and all around angling fanatic will speak at our upcoming Forest City Bassmasters meeting on February 24th at 7 pm Rescheduled for Tues. May 26th at 7pm (held at Angling Sports). His will be speaking on the the science behind catch and release and its effects on bass. He will also talk about this years Hank Gibson Ontario Bassmasters Qualifier being held at Turkey Point. This is one meeting you don`t want to miss!

    Jason is also president of Hamilton Bassmasters and 1st VP and Conservation Director for Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation.

    Happy Holidays!

    Just a reminder that there will not be a December meeting. Enjoy your time with family and friends.

    Happy Holidays from Forest City Bassmasters, may your holiday dreams be of 10 lbs. bucketmouths and 6 lbs. smallies!