Meeting Tuesday, October 27 at 7 pm

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 27th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room.

Speaker: Tony Chimirri, High School Fishing Info
Update, Unfortunately Tony was unable to attend this meeting – he’ll be here for the November meeting.

Thanksgiving Day Angling Sports FCBM Open Results

We had a good turnout on a windy day at Fanshawe Lake for the Angling Sport / Forest City Bassmasters Open tournament. Special thanks to Principal Outdoors (Cannon, Humminbird, Shimano & G.Loomis) who provided the big fish prize (a Humminbird portable depth finder – won by Tony Hemming with a 3.55 lbs. smallmouth) and Angling Sports who provided prizes (an assortment of tackle) for our junior bassmasters. Overall tournament winners were: 1st Jeff Zeisner and Mike Edward (11.35 lbs.), 2nd Mark Biesinger and Rick Hendricks (10.74 lbs.), 3rd. Dennis Shearme and Curtis Shearme (9.81 lbs.). Forest City member results are listed below.

Left to Right, 3rd place Curtis Shearme and Dennis Shearme, 1st place Mike Edward and Jeff Zeisner, Angling Sports' Pat DeVincenzo, 2nd place Rick Hendricks and Mark Biesinger

Left to Right, 3rd place Curtis Shearme and Dennis Shearme, 1st place Mike Edward and Jeff Zeisner, Angling Sports’ Pat DeVincenzo, 2nd place Rick Hendricks and Mark Biesinger

Junior winner Owen Mueller (left) and (2nd) Zach Beacham (right)

Junior winner Owen Mueller (left) and (2nd) Zach Beacham (right)

Big Fish Winner - Tony Hemming

Big Fish Winner – Tony Hemming

thanksgiving fanshawe lake 2015 results
thanksgiving fanshawe lake 2015 junior results

Final Tournament moved to Fanshawe Lake on October 12th

Our October 4th tournament has been rescheduled for Monday, October 12, 8 am to 2 pm on Fanshawe Lake and will coincide with the Angling Sports Open Tournament being held at the same time. As with our previous combined tournament please sign up as normal if you are looking to pair up or are a junior. If you already have a pairing please just shoot me an email to let me know. Costs for this tournament are $50 per two person team. Juniors will fish to a 3 fish limit. Please re-signup even if you had already signed up for the tournament on the 4th.

Sign up at

Tournament signup for this will close Tuesday night (October 6). Mark Biesinger (biesingr”at” will be acting as tournament director for this tournament. Pairing will be sent out Wednesday October 7th.

angling sports 400 wideJunior prizes kindly provided by Angling Sports. A huge thank you to them for all their support this year. The staff there is awesome! Visit their store at 681 Highbury Avenue North, London (Phone: 519-649-7429). They have a great selection of rods, reels, tackle, live bait, fly fishing and tying materials, PDF’s and floater suits, waders and more.

Forest City Bassmasters High School Club
BASS is in the process of converting all junior members to a High School Aged Club format this year. Registration for this is starting shortly to coincide more closely with the school year. If you are high school aged (in grades 9 to 12) and want to be a member with Forest City and fish next season (including possibly the Ontario Qualifier) please send an email to Mark Biesinger (biesingr”at” or Jeff Beacham (jeff.beacham”at”, our youth director ASAP. Ontario Bass Nation wants initial names/numbers by end of October if possible.

Conestogo Lake 2015 Results

Tough conditions on Conestogo lake tested everyone’s fishing resolve. The bass bite was slow (but the pike and brown bullhead fishing was great) with no one getting a full limit. Congrats to Cole Bailey with four fish at 5.24 lbs for the win (and big fish – if you can call it that – at 1.77 lbs) and Zach Beacham with 3.95 lbs for the win on the junior side.

Conestogo Lake Results 2015

Conestogo Lake Results 2015

Conestogo Lake Junior Results 2015

Conestogo Lake Junior Results 2015

Labour Day Angling Sports / FCBM Open Results

Results from the Labour Day Angling Sports / Forest City Bassmasters Open held on Wildwood Lake are posted below. Congrats to Cole Bailey and Steve Foley who won the overall event with a huge 15 lbs bag and a big fish for Cole at 4.07 lbs. A huge thanks you to Angling Sports for allowing us to piggyback on their event. You guys are the best!

Angler of the year leaders so far this season are Cole Bailey and Rick Hendricks – tied at 190 points each, followed by Mark Biesinger at 185 points, Tony Hemming at 160 and Jeff Beacham at 155. The juniors also have a tie at first between Zach Beacham and Owen Mueller – at 195 points each.

The signup for Conestogo Lake on Sunday September 27th is available now at:
Mark Biesinger will be acting as Tournament Director for this event (biesingr”at” Conestogo is a great lake with two arms about 6 km long each, so lots of water to explore here. Camping is also available on site. Junior prizes sponsored by Forest City Bassmasters and The Scientific Fisherman.

Labour Day Results

Labour Day Results

Labour Day Junior Results

Labour Day Junior Results

Meeting Tuesday Sept. 29, 7 pm – New Location Billy T’s Tap and Grill

Billy T's Tap & Grill 1600 Highbury Ave N London, ON N5Y 5N7

Billy T’s Tap and Grill

Our first post summer meeting will be held on Tuesday September 29th at 7 pm at a new location: Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. This venue will provide more space for our growing club. A big thank you to Angling Sports for letting us meet in their shop over the last 2 years.

Spaces are still available in boats for non-boater and junior club members for the September 7th Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Tournament on Wildwood. Please contact Mark at biesingr”at” if you want to fish this tourney. This is an open tournament, interested non club member teams please contact Angling Sports for information.

August 23rd St. Clair Tournament Sign Up

Tournament Signup now open for Sunday, August 23 on on Lake St. Clair out of Belle River Marina starting at 8:00 am ending at 4 pm. Canadian waters only. Tournament signup for this will close midnight Tuesday, August 18th. Cole Bailey (cole_the_hammer_bailey2″at” will be acting as tournament director for this tournament. Special thanks to Darren Jacko of EDU-CAST and KTL/Pure Fishing for his donation of sponsor prizes for the junior tournament.

Fanshawe Lake Individual Tournament 2015 Results

Results from our Fanshawe Lake Individual Tournament. Great night out with good weather. Thanks to everyone who fished and helped out. A special thanks to Angling Sports who provided gift certificates as prizes for our junior members.

Fanshawe Lake 2015 Results

Fanshawe Lake 2015 Results

1st (left) Mark Biesinger, 2nd (middle) Rick Hendriks, 3rd (right) Cole Bailey

1st (left) Mark Biesinger, 2nd (middle) Rick Hendriks, 3rd (right) Cole Bailey

Fanshawe Lake 2015 Junior Results

Fanshawe Lake 2015 Junior Results

Juniors 1st (left) Owen Mueller, 2nd (right) Zach Beacham

Juniors 1st (left) Owen Mueller, 2nd (right) Zach Beacham