Tackle Swap Meeting / Fishing and Boat Show

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 23rd at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. We’ll be having a tackle swap so bring in your unwanted tackle/rods/reels/gear to swap and buy, there’ll be some great bargains.

Forest City Bassmasters will be at the London Boat and Fishing Show. Come by and see us at the Angling Sports booth. A pitch, flip and casting booth will be present that we’ll be helping out with.

Meeting Agenda Items will Include:
Casting Clinic and Competition Night Setup
Some tournament format motions.
Membership benefits update.
Treasurer/Conservation/High School Reports

2016 Forest City Bassmasters Tournament Dates Posted

2016 tournament dates have been posted (and below). Still a few high school and extra intra-club tournaments dates to be determined that will be added to the site when known.

Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Open Pike Tournament
Victoria Day, Monday, May 23, 2016 (8 am start) – Wildwood Lake (Open to Public)

Forest City Bassmasters Opening Tournament (Regular Club Members and High School Members)
Sunday, June 26, 2016 (8 am to 4 pm) – Rondeau Bay out of Erieau Marina

Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Canada Day Open Tournament (Open to Public)
Canada Day, Friday, July 1st, 2016 (8 am start) – Fanshawe Lake, electric motor and up to 9.9 hp kicker motors only.

Forest City Bassmasters Wildwood Wednesday Evening Tournament (Regular Club Members and High School Members)
Wednesday, July 13, 2016 (5:45 pm to 9:15 pm) – Wildwood Lake

Forest City Bassmasters Fanshawe Friday Evening Tournament (Regular Club Members)
Friday, July 29, 2016 (5:30 to 9 pm), Fanshawe Lake, electric motors and up to 9.9 hp kickers only

Hank Gibson High School Qualifier (High School Members Only)
Friday, August 12, 2016 – Bay of Quinte​ (Centennial Park, Quinte West, Trenton). See Ontario BASS Nation website for full details.

Hank Gibson Qualifier (Regular Club Members Only)
August 12-14, 2016 – Bay of Quinte (Centennial Park, Quinte West, Trenton) Note: Entry fees are $250 Boater, $200 Non-Boater. See Ontario BASS Nation Website for full details.

Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Labour Day Open Tournament (Open to Public)
Labour Day, Monday, September 5, 2016 (8 am start) – Wildwood Lake

Forest City Bassmasters Conestogo Tournament (Regular Members Only)
Sunday, September 18, 2016 (8 am to 4 pm) – Conestogo Lake

Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Thanksgiving Day Open Tournament (Open to Public)
Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 10, 2016 (8 am start) – Wildwood Lake

Forest City Bassmasters Chilly St. Clair Tournament (Regular Members Only)
Sunday, November 6, 2016 – (8 am to 4:00 pm) – Lake St. Clair (Mitchell’s Bay Area Only) out of Mitchell’s Bay

Dates Pending:
Forest City High School Bassmasters Team Tournament (High School Members Only) – Sharon Creek Reservoir

Forest City High School Bassmasters Individual Tournament (High School Members Only) – Individual tournament on Thames River or Komoka P.P. Pond

Forest City High School Bassmasters Championships (High School Members Only) – Team Tournament modeled after provincial qualifier (regular members will act as coaches and boat drivers) – venue and date pending.

Thanks Paul, Forest and Cole

thanksA big thank you to our January meeting speakers: Paul Kroisenberger, President of Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation, Forest Weiler, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge Bassmasters, multiple AOY winner and Team Ontario member, and Cole Bailey, Forest City Bassmasters Conservation Director. Paul gave an excellent presentation on the workings of our B.A.S.S. Nation and the running of the previous and upcoming Hank Gibson Qualifier. Forest filled us in on the great experiences he had with Team Ontario, his coaching experience with the Team Ontario High School team and his love/hate relationship with tidal waters. We also had a great report from Cole Bailey on his recent 10th place finish on the Costa FLW Tournament at Lake Okeechobee.

Meeting on January 26th at 7pm

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 26th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. This is a big meeting with two excellent speakers and a list of agenda items.
Reminder: Membership payments are due!

Speakers: Paul Kroisenberger, President of Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation, and Forest Weiler, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge Bassmasters, multiple AOY winner and Team Ontario member.

Agenda Items will Include:
London Fishing Show
Casting Clinic and Competition Night (Fred Gallina)
2016 Tournament Dates and Formats (Regular Member and High School)
Treasurer/Conservation/High School Reports

Thanks Tony / 2016 Executive

phenixA big thank you to Tony Chimirri (sponsored by Phenix Tournament Tackle, Sheffield and Shimano) our speaker at our November meeting. Tony coached the B.A.S.S. Ontario High School Team who won the B.A.S.S. Eastern Division Championships. A special thanks for the gift of Phenix soft baits, these will be used as sponsor prizes for our Forest City High School Bassmasters competitions.

Our executive for the 2016 year are:
President and Treasurer: Mark Biesinger
Vice-President: Dave Harris
Secretary: Scott Howe
Youth Director: Jeff Beacham
Conservation Director: Cole Bailey
Conservation Committee Members:
Fred Gallina, Dave DeMarchi, Mark Biesinger (ex officio)

No December meeting
Upcoming Speakers:
January: Paul Paul Kroisenbrunner, Ontario BASS Nation President
February: Jason Barnucz, Ontario Bass Nation Conservation Director and President of Hamilton Bassmasters

Angler of the Year 2015

Congratulations to Cole Bailey, our 2015 Forest City Bassmasters Angler of the Year recipient. It was a very close race with three anglers, Cole, Rick Hendriks and Mark Biesinger tied for the points lead at the end of the season with 290 points each. Cole took the big fish tiebreaker with his 4.07 lbs big fish at Wildwood. Full results below. We had 18 regular members participate in tournaments this year, a good start for a club that’s only just had its first full tournament season.
fcbm aoy points 2015
Congratulations to Owen Mueller, our 2015 Forest City Bassmasters Junior Angler of the Year recipient. This was also a tight race with Owen and Zach Beacham being tied for points with 295 each. Owen took the combined top three tournament bag weights tiebreaker with 11.41 lbs. Full results below.
fcbm jaoy points 2015

Next meeting is Tuesday November 24th, 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap and Grill. Membership dues are due at this meeting. As well we will be holding our executive elections for the 2016 year.
Speaker: Tony Chimirri, High School Fishing Info