2016 Labor Day Open on Wildwood Lake

A big thank you to Angling Sports for hosting the 2016 Labor Open Tournament on Wildwood Lake. We had a great turnout with 19 boats in the field. Skills were again tested with sunny skies and water visibility of only inches. Congrats to the winners Mike Craftchick and Todd Hatch.

The Forest City Angler of the Year race is still way too close to call. With this latest tournament Nate Talaskavich and Mark Biesinger move into the lead with 360 points each, followed up by Alicia Raytrowski and Kevin Billingsley at 355 points, T.J. Raytrowski at 350, Jeff Walsh at 345, Don Kraemer at 340, and Rick Hendriks and Scott Howe at 330 each.
2016 Labor Day Wildwood

First Place and Shimano Contingency Winners Mike Craftchick (left) and Todd Hatch (right).

First Place and Shimano Contingency Winners Mike Craftchick (left) and Todd Hatch (right).

Second Place, Rob Patch (left) and Nate Talaskavich (right).

Second Place, Rob Patch (left) and Nate Talaskavich (right).

Third Place, Sean Wardell (left) and Don Kraemer (right).

Third Place, Sean Wardell (left) and Don Kraemer (right).

Weigh in and BBQ!

Weigh in and BBQ!

2016 Fanshawe Friday Results

Lots of fish caught on Friday night at Fanshawe but it was hard to find those keeper bass (12 inches or more). We had lots of action though with everyone reporting tons of small smallies, largies, rockies and a few walleye in the mix. Dave Harris and Rick Hendriks took the win and big fish prize (2.15 lbs.) with a nice three fish limit of 5.37 lbs.
2016 Fanshawe Friday July 29 Results

With four tournaments now in Alicia Raytrowsky and Kevin Billingsley share the Angler of the Year lead with 355 points each followed up closely by TJ Raytrowsky with 350 points, Nate Talaskavich at 330 and Rick Hendriks at 315. Next up is the Angling Sports / Forest City tournament at Wildwood on Labour Day followed by Conestogo Lake on September 18th.

We also have a number of members fishing in the Hank Gibson Qualifier at the Bay of Quinte in August. Good luck to Dean Donovan and Scott Howe and our high school team members David Henshaw and Spencer Shirley. Go get ’em guys!

2016 Wildwood Wednesday Tournament Results

Results for our Wednesday evening at Wildwood Lake Tournament are below. Everyone braved brutally hot weather (32C – Humidex in the 40s!) to chase fish! Congrats to TJ Raytrowski and Alicia Raytrowski who brought in a beautiful bag of largemouths to finish first and take home big fish prize as well. Most everyone else found bags of smallmouth including 2nd place finishers Mark Biesinger and Don Kraemer, 3rd place Kevin Billingsley and high school winner Owen Mueller. Weigh in finished up just in time before a massive thunderstorm rolled through.

An early tabulation of angler of the year points puts TJ and Alicia tied in first with 270 points, Kevin Billingsley at 265, Nate Talaskavich at 245, Ian Fogarty at 230 and Rick Hendriks at 215.
artistic night photo of winners with new jerseys2016 Wildwood Wednesday July 132016 Wildwood Wednesday July 13 High School

2016 Canada Day Angling Sports/FCBM Open on Fanshawe Lake

A big thank you to Angling Sports for hosting the 2016 Canada Day Open Tournament on Fanshawe Lake. Skills were tested with tough fishing conditions including strong wind and rain early in the morning and a thick algae bloom on the lake which drop water clarity to under a foot. Congrats to the winners Dave Billingsley and Forest City member Kevin Billingsley. Kevin also took home big fish prize as well.
2016 Canada Day Fanshawe Lake

First Place winners Dave Billingsley (left) and Kevin Billingsley (middle) with Pat Devincenzo.

First Place winners Dave Billingsley (left) and Kevin Billingsley (middle) with Pat Devincenzo.

Second Place winners Nate Talaskavich (left) and Rob Patch (right).

Second Place winners Nate Talaskavich (left) and Rob Patch (right).

Third Place - Dennis Shearme (middle) and Sam Rankin (right) with Pat Devincenzo.

Third Place – Dennis Shearme (middle) and Sam Rankin (right) with Pat Devincenzo.

Big Fish winner Kevin Billingsley ($100 Angling Sports Gift Certificate)

Big Fish winner Kevin Billingsley ($100 Angling Sports Gift Certificate)

Shimano contingency prize winner Jeff Zeisner (left) with Dave Harris.

Shimano contingency prize winner Jeff Zeisner (left) with Dave Harris.

Thanks for the BBQ Angling Sports!!

Thanks for the BBQ Angling Sports!!

Thanks Angling Sports!!!

A big thank you to Pat and all the guys at Angling Sports for hosting a BBQ meeting and casting competition for us. They put out a great spread of food for us!!! Remember, Forest City members get a discount at the store. Some pictures below.
angling sport bbq 2016aangling sport bbq 2016bangling sports casting comp 2016bangling sports casting comp 2016a

2016 Rondeau Bay Results

Forest City Bassmasters Rondeau Bay Opener Results (June 26th, 2016). Congrats to winners Jeff Beacham and Steve Foley, our high school winner Zach Beacham, and big fish winner Dean Donovan.

2016 Rondeau Bay Juen 26 Regular
2016 Rondeau Bay Juen 26 High School

BBQ Meeting hosted by Angling Sports – June 28 at 6:30pm

angling sports 400 wideNext meeting is at a special time and place – Angling Sports will be hosting a BBQ for us at 6:30pm on June 28 at the store (681 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5W 4L4). Come and stock up on your supplies for the summer and enjoy some BBQ and conversation. We’ll also be hosting a small casting competition at the BBQ with prizes from MegaBass and other sponsors. Hope to see you all there. New members welcome, come a see what we are all about. This is the last meeting before the summer season – there will not be any meetings in July or August – go fishing instead!!