With ever changing reservoir depth and water clarity, Wildwood Lake always seems to fish differently every time we visit it. This time with high water (higher then we ever seen it), hot temperatures, strong winds, and either muddied or green stained water depending on where you went, it was the very definition of tough fishing. Congratulations to our winners Pat Devincenzo and Scott Howe, 2nd place finishers Brad Cowen and Ian Fogarty, and 3rd place finishers Don Kraemer an Sam Haynes. Good job on finding some fish (and cashing some cheques….)!
2017 Pittock Lake Evening Tournament Results
Lots of shoreline flippin’ and a little bit of flippin’ out as giant thunderstorms moved into the area at Pittock Lake in Woodstock. Congrats to winners Mark Biesinger and Jacob Singleton!

2017 Pittock Lake 1st Place Mark Biesinger

First Place Winner Jacob Singleton keeping the scale dry during weigh in.

2nd Place and Big Fish Winners Marco Dariano (left) and Brad Cowen.

2017 Pittock Lake Evening Tournament
2017 Rondeau Bay Opener Results and Pictures
Sunny skies, everyone got a limit of fish – what more could you want for an opening tournament! Congrats to opener winners Kevin Billingsley and Rick Morrison!
2017 Angling Sports/FCBM Canada Day Tournament Results
Thank you to everybody who came out to fish the 2017 Angling Sports Canada Day Bass Tournament at Wildwood Lake!
Congratulations to our top finishers:
1st Place: Jeff Collette & Rick Morrison
2nd Place: T.J. & Alicia Raytrowsky
3rd Place: Paul Kroisenbrunner & John Kroisenbrunner
BIG FISH: Jeff Smith & Spencer Shirley
And congratulations to Dave Harris & Jeanette Holland for winning the Shimano Fishing Contingency Prize!
Hope to see you all at our next tournament!
Meeting Tuesday June 20th (Note Different Day!)
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 20 th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about. Note that this meeting has been moved one week earlier than normal.
Agenda Items:
Partner drawing for Rondeau Bay Opener Tournament.
Jerseys will be available for pickup and final payment if needed.
Game Chasers TV show filming update.
This will be a relaxed informal meeting, come out and have a beverage and some food, mix and mingle, meet up with your tournament partner to strategize etc.
Reminder: Still looking for Hank Gibson Qualifier entries – in particular, we (and other OBN clubs) need non-boaters. This is a great opportunity to fish a great fishery!
2017 Angling Sports / Forest City Bassmasters Pike Tournament Results
Our biggest field ever of 39 boats turned up at Wildwood Lake for the 2017 Angling Sports / Forest City Bassmasters Pike Tournament. Greeting the competitors this year were windy, cold front conditions following a heavy rain the previous day. Big fish and numbers of fish were notably smaller than previous years due to these tough fishing conditions.
Congratulations to our winners, Jeff Zeisner and Forest City club member Scott Howe. They also took home the Shimano contingency prizes of a Crucial rod and Shimano Nasci reel for a total of almost $1500 in prizes and cash!!! Big fish winner was club member Tony Hemming ($100 Angling Sports Gift Card). A huge thank you to Dave Harris and Pat DeVincenzo from Angling Sports for another great tournament. Particularly appreciated was the draw for a variety of baits, hats, shirts etc. Check out the prize table in the pictures below.

Angling Sports store manager and Forest City Bassmasters VP Dave Harris at the Prize Table.

1st place winners Jeff Zeisner (middle) and Scott Howe (right).

2nd place Jeff Smith and Lenard Zacharias

3rd place Ty Elliot and Steve Chisson

Big Fish Winner Tony Hemming

Shimano prize winners Jeff Zeisner (middle) and Scott Howe (right).

Meeting May 30th 7 pm
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 30th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.
Speaker: Peter Savoia from Set the Hook – Hand Poured Plastic Baits.
SWAP MEET – Bring in and sell your unwanted tackle, rod, reels etc. Buy some more! (First $5 goes to the club).
Agenda Items:
Club communications changes
Hopefully jerseys will be ready for dispersal (fingers crossed)
Thank You Tonk King, Team Ontario Member
A big thank you to Tonk King from KWC Bassmasters for giving us your insights into your 2016 Hank Gibson win in the non-boater division. Lots of great information for the club. Good luck with Team Ontario this year Tonk!
Next meeting’s guest speaker will be Peter Savoia from Set the Hook. We will also be having a club swap meet. Bring in your unwanted gear / sell it / buy some more… (First $5 you make goes to the club).