2017 Long Point Interclub Tournament Pictures

Some pictures from our 2017 Long Point Interclub Tournament held this past weekend with teams from Forest City, Erie, Mississauga and Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge Bassmasters clubs. For those of you with video footage from the day please contact FC club president for DropBox details to get your footage to the GameChasersTV crew.

Meeting Tuesday September 26th

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 26th, 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.

Speaker: Blake Rankie from VRX Fishing Products. Blake reps a number of companies including Lew’s reels, Angler’s Choice, Rod Glove and X Zone just to name a few.

Agenda Items: 2018 Qualifier Info, summer scuttlebutt…

2017 Long Point Interclub Tournament Results

A fantastic day on the water at Long Point. Winners Jessie Hilliard and Paul Imola brought in 18.78 lbs of smallmouth for the win closely followed by Jason Ryder and Jeff Douglas at 18.37 lbs and Tonk King and Richard Elliott Jr. at 18.23 lbs. Tonk and Richard also won big fish prize with a 4.85 lbs smallie.

A big thank you to Erie, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge and Mississauga Bassmasters club members who joined us for this event. Thanks also to MacDonald Turkey Point Marina and Turkey Vegas Restaurant for letting us use their facilities for this event and for the donation of a Turkey Vegas gift certificate (won by Forest City’s Richard Elliott Jr.). Thanks also to event sponsors Angling Sports for their continued tournament and club support and The Scientific Fisherman who provided the camera boat for the film crew from GameChasersTV for this event.

Alicia Raytrowsky’s strong finish at Long Point jumped her up in the Forest City AOY race to second with 463 points, just behind husband T.J. Raytrowsky at 466 points. Both are closely followed by Ian Forgarty (459), Kevin Billingsley (458), Rick Hendriks (458), Jacob Singleton (447), Scott Howe (444), Jeff Collett (442), Sam Haynes (441) and Rick Morrison (434).

Pictures from the event will be posted at a later date…

2017 Labour Day Wildwood Lake Results

Tough conditions again on Wildwood Lake with only one limit caught from 17 teams. Definitely a grind kind of day…

The AOY race is in full swing. T.J. Raytrowsky moves into the lead with 466 points, followed by Ian Fogarty with 459 points, Kevin Billingsley and Rick Hendriks with 458 points, Alicia Raytrowsky at 452, Scott Howe at 444, Jacob Singleton at 437 and Jeff Collett at 432. Still lots of tournaments left to move up!

Announcing: Forest City and Hamilton Bassmasters Interclub Tournament

Forest City and Hamilton Bassmasters are pleased to announce our 2017 Interclub Tournament to be held at Long Point Bay (Lake Erie) out of MacDonald Turkey Point Marina on Saturday September 16, 2017. The tournament is open to members in good standing of all Ontario BASS Nation clubs. We’d love to have as many teams out as possible. Additionally, the crew from GameChasersTV will be on hand filming the event for an upcoming episode. This will be a great opportunity to show how great our OBN clubs are! Rules and registration details below.

Forest City and Hamilton Bassmasters Long Point Bay Interclub Tournament
Saturday, September 16, 2017
MacDonald Turkey Point Marina, 92 Clubhouse Rd, Vittoria, ON N0E 1W0
Start Time: 8:00 am Blast-off, Weigh In: 4:00 pm

Rules: Click to Download
• Open to 2 person teams made up of members in good standing of any Ontario BASS Nation club. (Singles permitted at full team price)
• Pairings and payments for Forest City and Hamilton club members will be made in club. Other Ontario BASS Nation club teams can register by email to Mark Biesinger (biesingr”at”me.com) with payments (check, do not mail cash) sent by mail or by Interac transfer (biesingr”at”me.com – preferred method). Payments can also be made tournament morning before blast-off. Payments must be made in full to be eligible for participation, please pre-register.
• Launch at MacDonald Turkey Point Marina and then proceed to MacDonald Turkey Point Marina Gas Bar and Turkey Vegas Bar and Grill Area for blast off at 8:00. Depending on field size a metered or numbered start may be implemented (at discretion of tournament director).
• 5 fish per team, 12 inch minimum (1 pound penalty for undersized fish)- largemouth and smallmouth bass only. On catching a sixth fish the team must immediately cull before resuming fishing.
• Penalty for dead fish – 1/4 pound (4 oz. or 0.25 lbs.). No Culling of Dead Fish. Dead fish cannot be used for Big Bass Prize.
• No fishing until blast-off.
• Late penalty – one pound per minute (i.e. be within ~500 m of weigh in area at 4:00 pm).
• 16ft minimum, 250 HP maximum, $1,000,000 liability insurance minimum, working livewells, all required safety gear.
• PFD’s must be worn when main engine is on. Full Ontario fishing license for those 18 and older (not conservation). Use kill switch and lanyard for main engine. Cannot leave the boat during competition – exceptions restroom breaks and refuelling at marinas – all fishing by team must stop until all team members are back in the boat.
• No fishing with main engine on (trolling with the main engine is prohibited).
• Participants must follow all federal/provincial/local fishing and boating regulations (in particular – respect no wake zones, idle speed only in Marina etc.).
• Live well check by tournament director prior to blast-off.
• Artificial bait only, no live or prepared bait allowed, pork rind may be used.
• Competitors’ boats cannot make contact except for emergency situations (i.e. breakdown).
• Competitors’ boats must not get closer than 6m / 20 feet from each other (i.e. give competitors space, ask if you can fish the water with them).
• Be courteous and respectful of fellow competitors and other persons in the vicinity at all times.
• In the event of a tie, the team with the heaviest single fish wins, still being tied the second biggest fish, and so on. If still tied monies will be pooled and split evenly.
• Tournament director may announce changes to the above rules as needed the morning of the tournament.
• Infraction of the rules may be may result in loss of fish(es), disqualification from tournament. Tournament director decisions are final. Major incidents will be reviewed by Forest City/Hamilton executive and may result in disqualification from future tournaments for a set number of tournaments or period of time, or expulsion from club.
• Alcoholic beverages and illegal substances are prohibited from competitor boats and must not be consumed by participants during tournament hours.

Fee: $100 per team ($10 to big fish pool, $90 to prize pool) 100% payback.
Payout: Up to 30 Boats: Big Fish, 1st 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20% of prize pool
31 or More Boats: Big Fish, 1st 45%, 2nd25%, 3rd 15%, 4th10%, 5th 5%
Boundaries: Inner and Outer Bay Only (see map in downloadable rules sheet)

2017 St. Clair River Results

Our first place winners, Rick Hendriks and Ian Fogarty, figured out the magic combination of variables on the fast flowing St. Clair River to record a nice 13.94 lbs limit of smallmouth! They also tied for big fish honors (4.15 lbs) with 2nd place finishers Mark Biesinger and Rick Morrison. 3rd place went to Kevin Billingsley and Sam Haynes.

With 6 tournaments now completed in the 2017 season the Angler of the Year Race is starting to heat up. Leading is Kevin Billingsley with 458 points, followed closely by T.J. Raytrowsky at 456 points, Rick Hendriks at 448, Alicia Raytrowsky at 442, Scott Howe at 439, Ian Fogarty at 435, and Jeff Collett at 432.

2017 Lakeside Evening Tournament Results

Although the “big’uns” were hard to find – nice weather, good company and a multitude of small fish to keep you on your toes made for an enjoyable evening out at Lakeside on Sunova Lake. Congrats to our 1st place and big fish winners Kevin Billingsley and Rick Hendriks.