Forest City on 106.9 The X Radio
Listen to Forest City president Mark Biesinger’s recent interview on 106.9 The X Radio talking about club activities, conservation and tournament fishing.
Meeting Tuesday May 29th, 7 pm
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 29th, 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.
Speaker: Blake Rankie from VRX Fishing Products. Blake reps a number of companies including Lew’s reels, Angler’s Choice, Rod Glove and X Zone just to name a few.
Agenda Items:
Finalization of Jersey Orders
Stickers will be for Sale
Sign up will be open for the June 10th Silver Lake Derby
Looking for members to act as Tournament Directors at various venues
Meeting Tuesday April 24th at 7pm
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 24th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.
Speaker: John Shields
John has been in the marine industry for 10 years with Xtreme Marine.
He is also an accomplished tournament angler.
Other Agenda Items:
Forest City Hoodies and Hats and Stickers and Jerseys Orders – bring your wallets!
Meeting Tuesday March 27th
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 27th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.
Speaker: Dave Chong
David is one of Canada’s most well-known and respected tournament anglers and has been a fishing guide for over 25 years. He is a strong advocate of accessible affordable fishing for all and a dedicated ambassador for both the sport of fishing and his sponsors. Dave was also recently a member of Canada’s silver medal team at the PanAmerican Bass Championships on Lake Okeechobee.
Other Agenda Items:
Forest City Hoodies and Hats and Stickers and Jerseys Orders – bring your wallets!
Membership dues for 2018 are (over)due!!
Meeting Tuesday February 27th, 7pm
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 27th at 7 pm at Billy T’s Tap & Grill, 1600 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N5Y 5N7 in their back meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.
Speaker: Dave Chong Note: Dave is Rescheduled for March Meeting
David is one of Canada’s most well-known and respected tournament anglers and has been a fishing guide for over 25 years. He is a strong advocate of accessible affordable fishing for all and a dedicated ambassador for both the sport of fishing and his sponsors. Dave was also recently a member of Canada’s silver medal team at the PanAmerican Bass Championships on Lake Okeechobee.
Other Agenda Items:
Forest City Hoodies and Hats and Stickers…
Multi-Species Event on Silver Lake
Pledge to Pitch it!
Conservation Culling Tags
Membership dues for 2018 are (over)due!!
Forest City Bassmaster 2018 Tournament Schedule
Loads of opportunities to fish this year. No excuses! Get out and try a tournament!
Open tournaments are $50 per 2 person team (includes big fish prize), 100% payout.
Forest City Club tournaments are $50 per person (includes $5 to big fish pool), 100% payout (50% – 1st, 30% – 2nd, 20 % – 3rd).
Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Open Pike Tournament (Open to Public)
Victoria Day, Monday, May 21, 2018 (8 am – 3pm) – Wildwood Lake
Silver Lake Multi-Species Derby (Regular and High School Members)
Sunday, June 10th, 2018 (9 am to 4pm) (tentative) – Silver Lake, Kinloss (near Kincardine)
Forest City Bassmasters Opening Tournament (Regular Members Only)
Sunday, June 24, 2018 (8 am to 4 pm) – Rondeau Bay out of Erieau Marina
Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Canada Day Open Tournament (Open to Public)
Canada Day, Sunday, July 1st, 2018 (8 am – 3 pm) – Rondeau Bay out of Erieau Marina
Forest City Bassmasters Friday Evening Tournament (Regular Club Members)
Friday July 6, 2018 (5:30 to 9:15 pm) – Pittock Lake (Boat Launch #2)
Forest City Bassmasters Wildwood Wednesday Evening Tournament (Regular Club Members)
Wednesday, July 18, 2018 (5:30 pm to 9:15 pm) – Wildwood Lake
Forest City Bassmasters Lakeside Largemouth Evening Tournament (Regular Club Members)
Thursday, August 2, 2018 (5:30 pm to 9:15 pm) – Lakeside (Sunova Lake)
Forest City Bassmasters St. Clair River Tournament (Regular Club Members)
Sunday August 12, 2018 (8 am and 4 pm) – St. Clair River out of Mooretown Boat Launch (1195 St. Clair Parkway, Mooretown, ON N0N 1M0)
Hank Gibson Qualifier (Regular Club Members Only)
August 24-26, 2018 – Lake Nipissing, North Bay. Note: Entry fees are $275 Boater, $250 Non-Boater. See Ontario BASS Nation Website for full details.
Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Labour Day Open Tournament (Open to Public)
Labour Day, Monday, September 3, 2018 (8 am – 3 pm) – Wildwood Lake
High School OBN Championships (High School Club Members)
September 15-16, 2018 – Lake Couchiching
Forest City Bassmasters Long Point Inter-Club Tournament (Regular Members Only, Open to other OBN Clubs)
Sunday, September 23, 2018 (8 am to 4 pm) – Long Point, Lake Erie (out of Turkey Point Marina)
Angling Sports/Forest City Bassmasters Thanksgiving Day Open Tournament (Open to Public)
Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 8, 2018 (8 am – 3 pm) – Lake St. Clair (Canadian Waters Only) out of Mitchell’s Bay Marine Park
Forest City Bassmasters Chilly St. Clair Inter-Club Tournament (Regular Members Only, Open to other OBN Clubs)
Sunday, October 28, 2018 – (8 am to 3:30 pm) – Lake St. Clair (Canadian Waters Only) out of Mitchell’s Bay Marine Park
Other BASS Tournaments Open To Forest City Members
NEW – Forest City teams are invited to participate in KWC Bassmasters Evening Tournament Series
Wednesday, June 27, 2018 (4pm to 8pm), Shades Mills
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 (4pm to 8pm), Guelph Lake
Wednesday, August 15, 2018 (4pm to 8pm), Belwood Lake
Wednesday, September 5, 2018 (4pm to 8pm), Conestogo Lake
NEW – Inter-Club Tournaments Hosted by Erie Bassmasters – Details to Follow
2018 National Contender Fundraising Tournament – hosted by Hamilton Bassmasters and York Bassmasters TBD
High school tournaments are being arranged via OBN and are proposed to include 3 interclub team events.
Our 2018 OBN Letter of Affiliation
Affiliation Letter: Forest City Bassmasters
Attention: Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation
The Forest City Bassmasters wish to remain with the Ontario B.A.S.S. Federation Nation (OBN) for 2018.
Forest City has seen steady growth since its founding in 2014 and now has 35+ members. Our focus continues to be on learning and providing our members the opportunity to participate in a variety of well-run tournaments. Members can choose from multiple flavors of tournaments that include a mix of waterbodies from small lakes and reservoirs to the Great Lakes, evening outings to full day events, and club only, interclub and open to public events. This year we’re expanding our interclub tournament activities in conjunction with Erie Bassmasters, KWC Bassmasters and others and plans include hosting events at Turkey Point (Sept. 23) and Mitchell’s Bay (late Oct.).
Conservation activities include participation in club member Richard Elliot’s highly successful work of placing mini salmon egg hatcheries in elementary schools. We are also looking to join the “Pledge to Pitch It” program this year.
Our one high school member last year joined up with KWC HS Bassmasters activities and had a successful season with them including fishing the two-day High School Championships on Lake Couchiching.
We are looking forward to an exciting and fulfilling year in 2018.
Mark Biesinger, President
Forest City Bassmasters