Kraemer Concrete High School and Junior MLF Shore Fishing Derby Results

With over 125 fish brought to the scales and a massive prize table from our sponsors there were lots of smiling Junior and High School Bassmaster members (as well as smiling parents) at our recent Kraemer Concrete MLF Shore Fishing Derby. We are all unbelievably grateful to our hosts, Jim and Sherry Kraemer, who opened up their gorgeous property for this event, provided camping, beverages, a great BBQ lunch, and a pond filled with smallmouth and largemouth bass (and some good sized walleye as well). Anglers from Forest City, KW-Cambridge, Hamilton and York Bassmaster clubs participated.

Congratulations to our winners, Alecio “Crushing It” Bustamante in the High School division and Gavin “The Walleye Master” Nicolls in the junior division – taking home some nice St. Croix Rods with Shimano and Diawa reels. Big fish winners Alecio Bustamante and Kyle Kilgore both brought 2 lb 7 oz largemouth to the scales.

The Tournament Director, Forest City Bassmasters’ Mark Biesinger, would like to thank Chris “The Chairman” Kilgore, OBN’s Youth Director for helping get the word out to the various clubs. Big thanks as well to Tyler and Shea Kraemer for their huge help as weigh masters / fish handlers etc. and to all the parents who helped out during the day.

Our hosts would also like to thank our participants for their enthusiasm and for their respect for their beautiful property. “I was blown away, I didn’t find a single piece of garbage left behind by your group!” said host Jim Kraemer. “Well done!” Host Sherry Kraemer adds “I was so excited to have this here, the enthusiasm from these kids is amazing!”

Special thanks to our many sponsors including: Kraemer Concrete, Donegan’s Haulage, Tri City Materials, A&M Truck Parts, FS Partners Fuel Division, Hensall District Fuels, The Scientific Fisherman, Angling Sports, Lehigh Hanson Cement, Humphrey Fleet Services and the LCBO. Your generosity has help fuel the competitive angling passion in these young anglers.

From left – Chris Kilgore (OBN Youth Director), Jim Kraemer, Mark Biesinger (Forest City Bassmasters) and Sherry Kraemer. Thanks Jim and Sherry!

2018 Pittock Evening Results

Unfortunately the water quality in our local Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) reservoirs continues to deteriorate year after year. A decaying algae bloom at Pittock Lake gave us nasty brown water with little to no visibility last night, making fishing conditions less than ideal (to put it nicely). This trend and high gate/launch fees means this will likely be our last tournament on UTRCA lakes for the foreseeable future. As a member of a group of both avid anglers and conservation minded individuals I can say that saddens me greatly. We have had some fun outings on these lakes. I can only hope that initiatives to improve water quality will continue to be promoted and acted upon.

Congrats to Dave Harris who managed to grind out two small largemouth for the win.

Upcoming High School and Jr. Bassmaster Shore Fishing MLF Derby

Presented by Forest City and KWC Bassmasters – High School and Jr. Bassmaster Shore Fishing MLF Style Derby – free and open to all OBN HS or Jr. club members. Entry is free, free BBQ lunch, free camping on site the night before, lots of sponsor prizes coming in for this!!!! Should be a ton of fun. If any club member parents are interested in helping out that would also be appreciated. Contact info on the flyer below.