Wind, cold, cloud cover and rain had the smallmouth shut down, those who made the switch to largemouth were able to grid out a bag. Congrats to Kevin Billingsley and Marco D’Ariano for the win and big fish honors. Second went to T.J. Raytrowsky and Scott Howe and third to Rick Hendriks and Alicia Raytrowsky.
Meeting Tuesday October 30th, 7 pm – Players Sports Hub Bar and Grill
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 30th at 7:00 pm at Players Sports Hub Bar and Grill, 1749 Dundas St., London, ON N5W 3E4 in their meeting room (basement). New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.
Speaker: Dave McCready from Angler’s Choice Soft Plastics
Other Agenda Items:
Bring in your used plastics – we will start collecting/weighing for Pledge to Pitch It challenge!
Membership fees for 2019 are due. Membership fees $75 Regular, $30 High School, going into 9-12 next year, 16 years old and above can fish regular tournaments.
AOY Points update – three members remain in the hunt!
Stickers will be for Sale.
2018 Angling Sports FCBM Lake St Clair Thanksgiving Day Results
2018 Forest City Bassmasters Long Point Interclub Results
A great day on the water at Long Point with the top three teams all within striking distance of a 20 pound bag! Congrats to Mike Devos and Jason Barnucz from Erie Bassmsters in 1st with 19.95 lb, Mark Biesinger and Alicia Raytrowsky from Forest City with in 2nd 19.82 lb, and Jeff Douglas and Jason Ryder from Erie in 3rd with 19.79 lb. Big fish honors go to Jessie Hilliard and Terry Wilson of Erie with a 4.66 lb smallmouth!
A big thank you to Brad Thomson from MacDonald Turkey Point Marina for letting us use their stage and docking facilities and for the great draw prizes for our group. Thanks also to Erie Bassmasters for bringing their state-of-the-art weigh-in system. Everyone is really enjoying these interclub events with the extra competition pushing everyone to expand their skills on the water. Our next one will be on Lake St. Clair on October 28th. All Ontario Bass Nation member teams are welcome to attend.

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place
- 3rd Place
- 2nd Place
Meeting Tuesday September 25, 7pm *NEW MEETING SITE*
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 25th at 7:00 pm at Players Sports Hub Bar and Grill, 1749 Dundas St., London, ON N5W 3E4 in their meeting room. New members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.
Speaker: Dean Donavan, 2 time member of Team Ontario, will talk about his experiences at the provincial and regional competitions.
Other Agenda Items:
Stickers will be for Sale
Looking for members to act as Tournament Directors at various venues
Reminder: Signup for our Long Point Interclub Tournament closes Wednesday, September 19 at noon. Sign up and details are at Tournament is open to all OBN club teams.
2018 Angling Sports / FCBM Rondeau Bay Labour Day Open Results
Congratulations to our Labour Day Open winners Cole and Jack Bailey who brought in a huge 19.44 lb bag of largemouth plucked from Rondeau Bay’s slop! 23 teams participated in this years event under boiling hot conditions. 2nd place went to Matt Kelly and Tonk King, and 3rd place to Jeff Zeisner and Scott Howe. Big Fish honors went to Dave Harris and Sam Haynes with and 4.96 lb largemouth. Big thank you again to Angling Sports for hosting this event and to Shimano and Diawa for the excellent contingency prizes.
2018 Forest City Bassmasters St. Clair River Results
Great day for fishing out on the St. Clair River with some big ‘uns brought to the scales. Congrats to Mike Craftchick and Sam Haynes with the win, Rick Hendriks and Ian Fogarty in second, and Mark Biesinger and Matt Fryer with third.
2018 Lakeside Evening Results
Congrats to Les Williams and Joseph Hwang on their win last night. Les also brought in a giant 5.5 lbs largemouth! Beautiful evening to be on the water…