Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 28th at 7:00 pm at Players Sports Hub Bar and Grill, 1749 Dundas St., London, ON N5W 3E4 in their meeting room (basement). New and perspective members always welcome, come on out and see what we’re about.

Steve Chiasson
Speaker: Steve Chiasson is a veteran tournament angler with multiple wins, two GM Pro Bass Angler of the Year titles, and a GM Pro Bass Classic victory. Victories on Rice Lake(3), Lake Simcoe(2), Lake St. Clair, Sturgeon Lake, Lake Scugog, Stoney Lake, Georgian Bay, and Trilakes attest to Steve’s versatility in being able to win catching smallmouth or largemouth on a variety of lakes. He is a proud member of Pure Fishing, Humminbird, Minn Kota, and Cannon pro staff. Steve is an accomplished seminar speaker and writer who enjoys sharing his knowledge and experiences with aspiring anglers.
Other Agenda Items:
Membership Dues for 2020
2020 Qualifier Update
Conservation Items