Results from the Labour Day Angling Sports / Forest City Bassmasters Open held on Wildwood Lake are posted below. Congrats to Cole Bailey and Steve Foley who won the overall event with a huge 15 lbs bag and a big fish for Cole at 4.07 lbs. A huge thanks you to Angling Sports for allowing us to piggyback on their event. You guys are the best!
Angler of the year leaders so far this season are Cole Bailey and Rick Hendricks – tied at 190 points each, followed by Mark Biesinger at 185 points, Tony Hemming at 160 and Jeff Beacham at 155. The juniors also have a tie at first between Zach Beacham and Owen Mueller – at 195 points each.
The signup for Conestogo Lake on Sunday September 27th is available now at:
Mark Biesinger will be acting as Tournament Director for this event (biesingr”at” Conestogo is a great lake with two arms about 6 km long each, so lots of water to explore here. Camping is also available on site. Junior prizes sponsored by Forest City Bassmasters and The Scientific Fisherman.