Final Tournament moved to Fanshawe Lake on October 12th

Our October 4th tournament has been rescheduled for Monday, October 12, 8 am to 2 pm on Fanshawe Lake and will coincide with the Angling Sports Open Tournament being held at the same time. As with our previous combined tournament please sign up as normal if you are looking to pair up or are a junior. If you already have a pairing please just shoot me an email to let me know. Costs for this tournament are $50 per two person team. Juniors will fish to a 3 fish limit. Please re-signup even if you had already signed up for the tournament on the 4th.

Sign up at

Tournament signup for this will close Tuesday night (October 6). Mark Biesinger (biesingr”at” will be acting as tournament director for this tournament. Pairing will be sent out Wednesday October 7th.

angling sports 400 wideJunior prizes kindly provided by Angling Sports. A huge thank you to them for all their support this year. The staff there is awesome! Visit their store at 681 Highbury Avenue North, London (Phone: 519-649-7429). They have a great selection of rods, reels, tackle, live bait, fly fishing and tying materials, PDF’s and floater suits, waders and more.

Forest City Bassmasters High School Club
BASS is in the process of converting all junior members to a High School Aged Club format this year. Registration for this is starting shortly to coincide more closely with the school year. If you are high school aged (in grades 9 to 12) and want to be a member with Forest City and fish next season (including possibly the Ontario Qualifier) please send an email to Mark Biesinger (biesingr”at” or Jeff Beacham (jeff.beacham”at”, our youth director ASAP. Ontario Bass Nation wants initial names/numbers by end of October if possible.

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